domingo, 2 de junio de 2013


Hi everyone,
Thank you for welcoming us to your school! We had a great time and were impressed with your English language skills.
We loved travelling around Salamanca and are sad that we cannot find much tortilla in Adelaide.
Our flight home was good but very long! Baby Amelia slept a lot and only cried a little bit.
Amelia is nearly 6 months old now so I will soon be giving her some Vegemite to try!

Kristie and Rachel´s grandmom with  Amelia.

G'day everyone!! I thought it would be nice to say hello on your blog. We really enjoyed our trip to Salamanca and the many beautiful historical buildings. The local food was delicious (tortilla was my favourite). We especially loved the Plaza Mayor where we enjoyed quite a few cuppas, but the highlight for me was the time we spent at your school. We received a wonderful welcome and everyone was so interested to meet and share time with us. Your presentations were excellent and we were impressed with your English language skills and the way you understood us even when we got a bit excited and spoke too fast!  
I think you are very lucky to go to school at Villamayor - it is such a lovely place and your school has a friendly atmosphere where everyone smiles and laughs a lot. It is easy to see why Kristie loves being there and working with you all. I am back at work now and have told many people about our visit. They were interested to hear about you all. They were impressed that you all tasted Vegemite and laughed that some of you were gobsmacked at the unusual and strong flavour. Well done for trying it, you can't meet an Aussie and not taste some dinky-di food!

I wish you all well with your English studies. Keep up the hard yakka and maybe you will be able to use your language skills to have a chinwag in Australia one day! 

Much happiness to you all,
Marianne xx