martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Sports Origins

Here's the link that we looked at in class on Monday about the origins of different sports.

5 comentarios:

  1. Carlos Muñoz says,

    They only talk about American sports, it isn´t fair. They don´t talk about the best sport in the world: football because they play worse than in Spain

  2. Hi classmates!!! How are U?
    I´m very agree with Carlos. They only talk about sport they are good. They don´t tell us any sport rules of other countries. Although, is impossible win Spain at any game. :-)
    I don´t like this link. This one is not the best posted in our Blog. I`m so sorry, but is my opinion about it.
    Bbye, bye.

  3. Diego and Carlos, I agree with you, but it also happens in Spain, we only talk about football and no more, I think is a normal thing that in each country they talk about the sport they play better.

  4. this is my favouriT sport. It's bboying or breakdancing, it's very funny.

  5. I like more archery and fencing ,but i don´t like a lot football.
