I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year with your family and your friends. I´m sure you will all have a great break, so in your first participation of this year in our classroom blog, you should tell us about two things:
1. Your favourite part of the break or a funny story that happens to you

New projects are coming during this term, so be ready, charge your battery and start enjoying English right now!!!
hello (;
ResponderEliminarMy best experience in the chirmas is the day of new year becouse i have a dinner with the freinds of my mother and then i go to my freinds to a party.
My purpose is have a fun year but comply with my liabilities
ResponderEliminarMy best christmas day it was the 24th because i went to mi village with mi mother's family,then we had a fantastic dinner,and for last we opened our presents¡
New Year's resolutions: i think that this year is going to be more funny that the last year. My resolution is: have a great year and have in french more than 6.
ResponderEliminarMy Christmas were very happy and funny. My favourite part was the 4th of january because my older sister and her boyfriend bought a Monopoly and we play all the day and in the next day, the same. We started at nine, in the morning, and we finished at two of the night. My purpose in 2013 is change my handwriting and start to study a little bit of italian.
See you soon.
Hi classmates!!
ResponderEliminarHow are you? I believe these last Xmas holidays were quite good, in spite of my family ( I usually get bored with them).The Three Wise Men brought me a lot of presents, I meet all my friends, I ate, I rested and I have fun!!!!
My best day? 28th December. I travelled To Madrid. I spent just one day in the city. However I have seen many many monuments and emblematic places(Prado Museum, Retiro Park, Cibeles Fountain...) In short, I went sightseeing. Ahh, and I visited The Vicente Calderon Stadium, for my first time!!
And my resolution? Well…being honest, I don´t know. I have never approached it. Maybe become a better person or perhaps help my parent at home ;) Ha-ha
Hi classmates!!
ResponderEliminarHow are you? Have you spent good holidays? Santa Claus brught me so much presents!! The Three Wise Men are not important for me because I'm never is Spain this special day.
The best moment from my Christmas holidays was the skiing week.
I go skiing with my family to Andorra every year, and every moment that I spend there is special for me. This year I spent there New Year's Eve, it was amazing!!! Andorra is great!!
I want 2013 to be as good as 2012. I haven't got special purposes for this year, but I want to have perfect moments with my friends, family and football team. I want to send from here a message for my brother, he's studying in Zaragoza, I wish him the best for the exams! :3
This is all, see you tomorrow friends!!! :)
Hi classmates!!
ResponderEliminarHow are you?
My Christmas were very happy and funny.My favourite day was the 6th of january because I saw all my cousins I did not seen them in a while we play football and table football.
My purpose in 2013 is have more time with my friends and study a little more
see you soon,
Hi classmates!
ResponderEliminarMy Christmas holidays were generally very nice but the best moment was when I went to Zamora and I saw all my uncles and cousins.
My purpose for 2013 is study a little more French, spend a lot of time with "Los del 99" and have a very good year.
See you tomorrow!
Merry christmas and happy new year to everyone.
ResponderEliminarI have to best moments:
The best was when I went to Asturias and I saw my cousins and my family, but I wen to Leon too to saw the rest of my family.
And the other moment was a boring day in gymnastics because the school ends and we had to train, suddenly a father came in and started to shout that it was late, the trainers and we thought that he was crazy and we were scare but in this moment other father came in dressed up like Santa Claus and gave us presents, we undestood why the other father was shouting us and we started to laugh.
Hi classmates hapy new year.
ResponderEliminarA funny thing of this holydays was that the 31st of december when I was eating the grapes I piled it in my mouth and suddenly I spited they and it was really disgusting.
A resolution for the new year is to improve my grades.
See you!
Hello ladies and gentlemems
ResponderEliminarHow are you??
This Xmas I have spent everyday very well so is very difficult to choose a good moment but I stick with NEW YEAR¨S EVE.
I have chosen this time because I was with most of my family and I had a great time with my cousin about everything.
Then at twuelve we ate the twuelve grapes. After we left wing street and we started throwing firecrackers.
My resolution is:
to keep on the same line as last year or even improve in all aspects
Hello gays and happy New year!!!!!!!!!
ResponderEliminarThe christmas was very good, the best moment of christmas was in New Years Eve because all the family ate together, we ate with all my cousins,uncles,aunts and friends...
My resolution is:
Have a good year and improve in the notes.
ResponderEliminarHow are you???
I think you have fun and rest, like me.
I love all the Christmas: the time with my family and friends, the surprises of the presents...
But in all years I have a lot of fun the morning you receive the presents.
In this morning, after we see the presents near the Xmas tree, we go to the house of my grandparents.
In the house all my family comes, we show our presents to the other people, and next we celebrate "THE INVISIBLE FRIENDS".
(I think you know what is that)
We are laughing all the time, my cousins do and say funny things and it is so comical.
My resolution:
To study more time and continue spending good moments with my friends and family.
Ele says,
ResponderEliminarHi guys!!! My Christmas Holidays probably aren't my favourite, but they aren't horrible. Iwas at my home or my cousins and ucles' homes. The best day of my holidays??? The 25º with diference. This day I was with my cousins at my autie's house. There we was singing while we were playing all together, and it was so funny. My NewYera's resolution??? I don't know. I think the next days of the begining of the new year the people do it very wel, but with the time the people stop because tey are tired to do it, so I thinkthat this year I don't gonna make any new Year's resolution.
Vega Polo says,
ResponderEliminarHi guys
My favourite day was tha Christmas day because I spend this day with my family and it was great.
My porpuse will be hard work and meet with my friend so I hope that you spend good holidays.
See you soon.
Carlos Muñoz says,
ResponderEliminarHAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi friends how was your Christmas??
I haven´t got favourite part of Christmas because I like so much all of the days but if I take one I take one of the firsts days when I spend all the day in the street.
I propose me that I will be happy all the days and pass with very good notes the second year of ESO
BFN friends
Marco says,
My favorite day of Christmas was on December 25 because the whole family ate and opened gifts from Santa Claus.
My resolution for the new year is to study more and pass all subjects
Hiii !!!
ResponderEliminarI think my best time in the holidays was in Christmas Eve because all my family came to my house for a long time and I am very happy when I am with they.
My resolution for this new year is make a satisfactory recovery of my foot.
Bye :)
hiii :)
ResponderEliminarI thing in the Christmas time there are a lot of good moments, especially with the family. I liked the dinners with the family.
My three favourites parts of this "short" brake was when I was with my little cousin and my mother family :D
The other was when I had lunch with all my family, in my 95 great-grandmother´s birthdate and my 74 grandmother birthdate.
And finally, when I was with my best friends playing and laughing.
My resolution is study more,learn other languaje, pass Francais and spend more time with my friends.
Bye, see you tomorrow :)
ResponderEliminarMy resolution for this new year is to work hard in class and study more.I have another resolution that is to to improve in rythmic gymnastics and go to more competitions.
Hi guys!
ResponderEliminarMy resolution for this year is to study more and get better grades or be less lazy :)
Pablo Honorato says,
Hi guys, my favourite day of christmas was on 21 of December beacause we all celebrate the christmas holidays and we meet friends.
My porpuse for this year it is study a little be more and pass all subjects with a great mark.
Happy new year!!!
Raúl Gómez says,
ResponderEliminarHi boys and girls!!
-I haven't got any special day old of my christmast hollidays are incredibles
Why?Becose i spend my time with my family and friends
-My resolution for my new year is to study very hard and become a better person
Bye and happy new year
Eva says,
ResponderEliminarMy best moment last Christmas was when I were in Cáceres, the last day of the year with my cousins, uncles, aunts and my grandmother. When I ate my grapes. It was a fantastic moment for me.
Hi to all,
ResponderEliminarmy purpose for this year is study more than the previous term and try to pass all the subject but French will be a little bit difficult.
One of my best moment in this Christmas was the new year's eve, I was in a rural house in a little village in Avila it was very funny.